Winshots System Snapshot :: Command Line Support

Winshots System Snapshot also supports command line operation for performing quick, easy, automated scans. All you have to do is create an INI file of the format Snapshot will understand and then launch Snapshot with a specific command line arguments.

  1. Configuring the INI file for command line operation

The INI file can have any valid INI file name and it has to be of the following format:

ReportDescription=Testing Command Line Activation
RegKeysToIgnore=HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Winshots\System Snapshot\3.0\Settings;HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Winshots\System Snapshot\3.0

ReportDescription - Description of what you're installing or testing

ReportFile - File name and/or path of the file where Snapshot will save the report

ScanMethod - Specifies how files should be compared for differences: 0=Drive Contents, 1=Time Stamp

IncludeMappedDrives - If you would like to include mapped drives in your scans set this value to 1

AppToRunAfterScan - After the initial system scan is performed System Snapshot can launch the application/installation program you intend to test. Set AppToRunAfterScan to a full path of the application you would like to run.

DrivesToScan - Specifies which drives should be included in the Snapshot's scans. Specify drives by listing them one after another and separating them with semicolons (no spaces). For example: DrivesToScan=C:;D:;E:;F:;X:

INIFilesToTrack - Specifies which INI files should be tracked for changes during the Snapshot's scans. Specify INI files by listing them one after another (including their full path) and separating them with semicolons (no spaces). For example: INIFilesToTrack=f:\winnt\system.ini;f:\winnt\win.ini

RegKeysToIgnore - Specifies which Registry keys should be omitted during the Snapshot's scans. Specify Registry keys by listing them one after another and separating them with semicolons (no spaces). For example: RegKeysToIgnore=HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Winshots\System Snapshot Pro\2.0 \Settings;HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Winshots\System Snapshot\2.0

  1. Executing Snapshot form a commandline

Once the above INI file is set up simply launch System Snapshot with the following command line parameters:

Snapshot.exe /file=(<full path to the INI>\scan.ini)

Namely it is: forward slash file equals, in brackets full path and name of the scan INI file.

  1. Disabling the splash screen

To disable the beautiful System Snapshot start up splash screen simply launch Snapshot with the following command line parameter:

Snapshot.exe /NOSPLASH

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